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  • F o u n d a t i o n  for traditional manufacturing  A p o l d u  de  S u s

    Become a member

    The members and supporters are the treasure of the Foundation

    We hope for long-term existence and work of the Foundation and we are pleased about each one helping together with like-minded people.

    Become a member (on the board of directors, active member, supporting member, sympathized member):

    To apply for membership of the Foundation "Fundația pentru meşteşuguri traditionale Grosspold" (translated: Foundation for traditionally manufacturing Apoldu de Sus), please fill out the following request:

    Membership application

    Please sign the request, scan it together with your identity card and sent it via email or in the envelope to the address of the Foundation.

    The membership group could be changed here:

    Changing membership group

    If you want to support the Foundation it is not necessary to join a membership group.

    Do not hesitate to contact us for every question:


    Fundatia Grosspold

    RO- 557151 Apoldu de Sus nr. 231

    judeţul Sibiu


    e-mail : i n f w e go @ g r o s s p o l d . netr o